You started your culinary business to cook amazing food, curate unforgettable experiences and feed fabulous clients, right?
But to do that in a way that is sustainable, scalable and in way that you enjoy, you need a High-End Culinary Brand.
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If you identify with one (or more) of the following scenarios, it’s time to transition your business to a High-End Culinary Brand.
You keep attracting clients with champagne tastes and tap water budgets 🙄.
You send the invoice, they ghost you. You send the proposal, they want to negotiate every single line item. You tell them the price, and they ask for a discount. You follow up after the call, but they never respond. Or, they keep coming back to you with crazy ideas on how they can get the price down. And you are OVER IT!
You need a high-end culinary brand that allows you to be as creative as you want to be and still be profitable. A magnetic High-End Culinary brand will help you attract those clients who are eager and able to pay your higher rates and repels clients whose budget doesn't match your skill set and services.
You are booked, busy and completely at capacity😬.
Your client roster is full and your revenue has hit a plateau. There aren’t any extra hours in the day and you haven’t figured out how to clone yourself yet, so you know that in order to grow, (and have time for a personal life), you need to work with fewer clients,
You need a High-End Culinary brand that will allow you to work with fewer clients, but at a higher price point so that you can still grow your business. But more importantly, it will give you white space on your calendar for YOU.
You are offering a million and one services that you strongly dislike and would rather not😏.
People asked, so you obliged. You are doing a little bit of every thing. Cakes, meal prep, catering, private dinners, cooking classes, and the list goes on. You’re custom quoting every inquiry that comes in and its overwhelming. It’s seems like every day you’re asking yourself, how much should I charge for this?
You need a High-End culinary brand so that you can focus on the few things that you do well and enjoy, while working with fewer clients and continuing to grow your business.
You're feeling burned out and on the verge of giving it all up😩.
You know that you are amazing at what you do, so you don’t understand why that’s not being reflected in your business. And you might even be just a little irritated watching other chefs go viral on social media and sell their services at a premium price point and they aren’t even as skilled as you are. You’re need a High-End Culinary Brand, to match your High-End Culinary skills.
It’s time to transition to a High-End Culinary Brand so that you can continue in the business and the industry that you love, but without having to sacrifice your well-being to do so. A high-end culinary brand will give you the time and space for sustainable self-care AND success.
You want to leave your corporate job to do your culinary business full-time✌🏿.
You’ve been working your chef business on the side for a while now and you are ready to leap into full-time entrepreneurship. You have been doing this for years. And you don’t want to wait any longer. YOU ARE READY TO GO! You just don’t feel like your business is quite where it needs to be, for you to feel comfortable leaving your full-time job. There aren't enough hours in the day, or days in the week to take on all the clients you would need to make the leap. Plus, you want your life back. You’re spending 40+ hours a week at your 9-5, only to spend your evenings and weekends in your business. You just need a break.
You need a high-end culinary brand so that you can replace AND exceed your corporate salary, without needing to work twice as many hours as you do now in your current career. All while creating more time for you to enjoy the life that you have built.
You want to add a premium service/offer to your business🤩.
You need a high-end culinary brand so that you can easily attract new clientele who are willing, able, and excited to pay a premium for your new service. With a High-End Culinary Brand, you can finally flex that creativity muscle that you have been suppressing for so long in the name of being “affordable”.
You need a high-end culinary brand so that you can easily attract new clientele who are willing, able, and excited to pay a premium for your new service. With a High-End Culinary Brand, you can finally flex that creativity muscle that you have been suppressing for so long in the name of being “affordable”.
You want to start your "Chefpreneurial" journey off at a premium price point 😊.
You’re not interested in ‘learning the hard way’ or "Baptism by fire". You’re done with looking at other chefs’ websites and trying to figure out what to do. You value your time. You’re at a stage in your life where you don’t want to waste hours google searching for answers or watching endless hours of youtube, only to wind up with crumbs. You much prefer to start with a plan of action than to jump into entrepreneurship blindly and have to start over later down the line.
You are currently looking for a roadmap, a process, a guide, a recipe, that will teach you how to attract high-end clients from the beginning so that you don’t have to pivot in your business later down the line. You need a high-end culinary brand framework so that you can start on the right foot.
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This masterclass is best suited for you if you want to:
ATTRACT HIGH-PAYING clients to your business and deter cheap clients with low budgets.
RAISE YOUR PRICES in your culinary business without losing current clients.
CREATE MORE REVENUE in your culinary business when you’re already booked, busy and at capacity.
CREATE MORE WORK-LIFE BALANCE in your business so that you don’t throw in the towel and quit.
LEAVE YOUR CORPORATE JOB to be in your chef business full-time without taking a pay cut.
ELIMINATE SERVICES in your culinary business that you rather not do without losing clients or revenue.
START YOUR CHEFPRENEURSHIP CAREER WITH A HIGH-END BRAND so that you don’t have to pivot and start over later down the line.
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Aren’t you tired of spending countless hours going down the Google and YouTube rabbit hole looking for answers, only to find crumbs?
Stop looking at other chef’s websites, & instead join the intensive where you will:
Phase 1:
👉🏿 Discuss What is a High-End Culinary Brand and the benefits of having one?
👉🏿 Decipher Difference between a High-End Culinary Brand and a Standard Brand.
👉🏿 Deep Dive the formula for creating a High-end Culinary Brand.
👉🏿 Develop the skills and mindset of a High-End Culinary Business CEO.
👉🏿 Determine if a High-end Culinary brand is the best strategy for you and your business.
👉🏿 Curate your own custom recipe for a High-End Culinary Brand.
Phase 2:
👉🏿 Discover the things that High-end Buyers are looking for so that you can incorporate them into your business.
👉🏿 Understand what makes people excited to pay higher prices.
👉🏿 Uncover the truth about where to find high-end clients.
👉🏿 Map Out what it takes to attract High-End Buyers to your business.
👉🏿 Strategize how to deter cheap clients and tire-kickers, so they can stop wasting your time.
👉🏿 Position your business to be found by High-End clients.
👉🏿 Debunk Myths about High-paying clients.
Phase 3:
👉🏿 Conduct a High-End Culinary Brand AUDIT on your own business so that you can see where your opportunities are.
👉🏿 Create a personalized High-End Culinary Brand ACTION PLAN so that map out your next steps.
👉🏿 Gain the confidence to charge higher prices with ease, so that you can receive what you are worth without hassle.
👉🏿 Learn how to justify and indirectly & directly communicate why you charge higher prices so that you no longer have to explain your rates.
👉🏿 Receive access to the dinner party framework for building a High-End Culinary Brand so that you can start transitioning your business immediately.
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Hi! I’m Chef Evelyn,
and I'm passionate about helping culinary entrepreneurs make more money by charging premium prices in their food brands.
I’m a former Chemical & Environmental Engineer turned professional chef. I’ve spent my entire culinary career working with high-end food brands and individuals who love indulge themselves in the culinary world.
There is a such thing as a “Luxury Foodie”, and I have learned exactly why they are happy and willing to pay more for culinary delicacies.
In this masterclass, I’m going to break down exactly what you need to know, what you need to do and who you need to be in your business, to easily and consistently attract these high-paying clients to your food business.
I look forward to seeing you on the inside.
It's time to build your High-End Culinary Brand.
Enroll in the High-End Culinary Brand Masterclass
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